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Who we are....

We are a small but growing group of dedicated aviation enthusiast and historians. It started simply enough with a visit to the original Grand Canyon airport. A hidden gem that served as a catalyst to a fascination with history of aviation in the state of Arizona. Arizona has been pioneers in aviation since before statehood and its time we celebrate that. From wood and cloth to the limits of space, Arizona has secured its place in aviation and space on a global stage. Our story is from legend to legendary, let's tell it!




To celebrate the history of aviation in the great state of Arizona. Through tours, site visits, classroom engagement, and social media.

We should all want to preserve our states aviation history: It is our shared story. From documents and artifacts to airfields and stories, preserving our past will secure our future.


Where we see a need, we endeavor to restore what stands as monuments to the past and present. When you can touch the past, you are inclined to protect it. 

Flight Plan

Like every good flight, you start with a plan. We know where we are going and how will we get there, but will remain flexible to allow us not to miss things along the way. This is a big state with a lot of stories to tell and places to see. It will take time and effort, but it will be worth it. So, its time to remove the chocks and get moving.



©2022 by Arizona Aviation Historical Group.
A 501c3 non-profit organization


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